
What happend to us?

I never tought, although my writting is quite personal, intimate actually, I´d write something about myself - with no costumes or storys to mask it all up.
Have you ever had the feeling, when looking at yourself in the mirror (a glance,say), that you where someone quite different from the "you" you used to know? A stranger even?As if you had took a huge distance from your old(est) "you"?Have you ever felt that you didn´t know you anymore? Thus, you timdlly ask : "what happend to me?How did I become the person I am or fail to be?"It´s scary not to know the answer.It´s scary to feel you´ve grown apart from your essence.Evolution implies change, not (self)treason.
For the last few days I´ve had the gift of the company of two friends from the past, two of my best and oldest friends.As I spent time alongside them I realised how much I had changed- for the good, but also for the "bad" (or at least not into something I´d like to).These tougths are still a bit confused on my mind. I guess I´ll let them sit still for a while before trying to write about them again. Meanwhile,I ask myself: "What happend to us?To me?"

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Yey, that's something strange but I think it always happen. Let's see. We all grow up. We all have doubts. About many, many things. And sometimes, life is to complicated that we become someone that we never thought we could become. But that happens.
I've asked myself: what? That is you? Then I think: I really have to change this way. But I'm quite a proud about the other things I've become.
It's not to be scared about. And to know ourself is really dificult too. I think is the hardest lesson. But is necessary.

C. Luke Drácula disse...

É algo natural de alguém sentir, digo isso por mim mesmo ao menos. Mas que sinal de mudança ou evolução continuamos a sermos nós mesmos, o cuidado deve ser tomado para não nos perdermos durante os caminhos que fazemos, e termos auto-confiança em nós mesmos para fazer nosso próprio caminho, que será único para cada um. E que pode proporcionar o auto-conhecimento de cada ser.